
Pinguin-Zähler gesucht: mit auf dem Bildschirm Pinguine in der Antarktis anklicken

Tierbilder sind im Internet der Renner – warum dann nicht mal Pinguine auf dem Bildschirm zählen? Die britische Universität Oxford und andere Organisationen sind für ihr Projekt „Penguin Watch“ derzeit ( Anfang 2015) auf der Suche nach Freiwilligen, die auf Fotos per Mausklick Pinguine, Küken und Eier markieren. 50 Kameras nehmen die Bilder in der Antarktis und im Südpolarmeer auf.
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feuerland antarkts 2012 578
foto: Hasse Zügelpinguin in der nördlichen Antarktis

Ziel ist es, den Einfluss des Klimawandels, der Fischerei und anderer Störungen durch die Menschen zu messen. Bislang fehlen dafür Daten, schreiben die Organisatoren. Liefern sollen sie die 50 Kameras, von denen jede pro Tag 8 bis 96 Bilder schießt.

Die Initiative entstand im Rahmen des Projekts „Penguin Lifeline“, das sich seit 2009 mit dem Schutz der Tiere beschäftigt. Auf die Aktion wies dpa-Angaben zufolge das Freiwilligendienst-Portal hin.

Penguins are declining globally. The main suspects are climate change, fisheries, disease and pollution, but we need to understand how penguins are affected by these threats in order to mitigate them.

Eselpinguin, brütend, Port Lockroy. Foto: hasse
Penguins Lifelines is a project run by Tom Hart and is a collaboration between Oxford University, ZSL, Oceanites, Stony Brook, the British Antarctic Survey and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, researching the threats to antarctic penguins.

We are using long-term monitoring in the field and genetic analysis of penguin feathers to get a complete picture of how populations are changing. Our findings will be used to inform policy and educate the public on the impacts of climate change.

Science in to policy
Effective environmental policies are critical for the long-term conservation of penguins. Policies must be selected on the basis of up to date and relevant information. We aim to present the results of our conservation research to policy decision makers, providing sound science for sound decision making. Find out why Antarctica and its penguins need help.

Life in the Field
Working with penguins in Antarctica is fieldwork like no other. Find out about life on Antarctic expeditions and see photos from previous trips, or follow the team on their current expedition:

Penguin Monitoring
Monitoring the size and health of penguin populations will provide invaluable insights into environmental change in the Antarctic. By using new technology and working with tourism organisations, we are accessing parts of this remote and challenging region that have never been monitored before. Find out how we are monitoring penguins in the field

DNA feather-printing
Apart from monitoring in the field, we are analysing feathers from Antarctic penguins to track the composition and health of populations. The techniques are non-invasive and non-technical and can be used by volunteers, so we can monitor many penguins very cheaply! Find out how we are using feather analysis.